Congratulations on being selected as a My Continence Care Champion!  

Your role as a Champion in your facility is to encourage all staff to fully participate in My Continence Care activities during the four-week pilot.

You will facilitate Continence Convos and provide feedback to the Continence Foundation.

You can find all resources, continence convo information and feedback forms via this page.

As the Champion, you will need to:

1. Before Pilot commences

Talk through your pilot agreement which discusses where staff will be undertaking the module (at work/at home) and what to expect during the pilot.

Create the continence convo roster, ensuring you are delivering enough continence convos each week for participants to attend. Ideally a convo each shift.

2. Work with the team:

Ensure staff complete the e-learning module during the agreed timeframe (usually first two weeks of pilot).

Completion reports will be emailed to all champions weekly to identify those who may need a nudge.

3. Advertise Continence Convos:

Display the printed continence convo posters around your facility, showing:

  • When they will be held day/date and time
  • Where they will be held - location in facility
  • What will be discussed – topic of Continence Convo
  • How people can participatebe on time to have a chat!  

Feel free to attach the Continence Convo Schedule to the displayed posters.

4. Prepare for Continence Convos:
Take the printed continence convo topic template with you during the continence convo, for taking notes on who attended and commentsyou’ll need this information to enter into the feedback form!

5. Facilitate Continence Convos:

Meet with staff on shift at the advertised time and place. Any direct care workers are welcome to attend, however Continence Convos are mandatory for those staff participating in the pilot.

If you need to take staff off the floor to attend, we recommend you prioritise those who have completed the eLearning modules, as these staff members are more likely to actively participate in discussions. Those who have not completed the eLearning modules, but are part of the pilot are also welcome to attend.

6. Collect information:

Note attendance and details of discussions generated during the continence convos using the continence convo print-out, which provides space for written comments, observations and key take-aways!

7. Provide feedback:

Do this after each continence convo has taken place. It is strongly recommended that this feedback is completed on the same day as the continence convo is held.

Need to speak with the project team?

Contact us for a discussion or where you need additional resources during pilot: - My Continence Care Workforce Fact Sheet - Continence Convo advertisement Poster - My Continence Care Consumer Fact Sheet - My Continence Care Consumer Poster - My Continence Care Consumer Guide

Contact Information
Name Alana Cross or Lauren Jackson
Phone 03 8692 8426